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» » » 10 Keajaiban Alam Yang Jarang Diketahui Manusia

Sesungguhnya banyak keajaiban dunia yang telah Allah tunjukkan kepada umat manusia supaya manusia berfikir akan kejadian tersebut. Pastinya kita mengetahui tentang Piramid di Mesir, Taman Gantung Babilon, Terowong Channel dan Colosseum di Rom serta sebahagian yang terdapat dalam buku keajaiban dunia kuno moden.

Apabila berfikir tentang keajaiban alam, kita akan terfikir tentang Grand Canyon di Colorado, Paricutin Volcano di Mexico dan Great Barrier Reef di pantai Queensland Australia.

Namun begitu keajaiban alam bukan hanya terdapat di tempat-tempat di atas. Perlu diketahui dunia ini penuh dengan keajaiban, terdapat banyak keajaiban alam lain yang menarik, seperti di bawah ini yang belum diketahui orang.

1. Pamukkale (Turki)

Terletak di Daerah Denizli di barat daya Turki, menjadi tumpuan bagi mereka yang menginginkan suasana nyaman dan tenang. Yang terpenting tempat ini adalah kawasan alam mineral dan boleh mandi spa kerana perairan batu kapur (kalsium) yang panas, muka buminya halus dan struktur organik yang kelihatan aneh.

2. Fly Geyser (Nevada)

These look as if they were taken on another planet, or at least on the set of a new and very expensive science fiction movie. Yet these pictures are of the Fly Geyser which is very much of planet earth (Nevada, US to be exact). The geyser can be found in Hualapai Valley near Gerlach. It is a little seen phenomenon as the land upon which it sits is private. It can be seen from State Road 34 but unless you have permission the view from a distance is all you should attempt. Back in 1916 the owners of the place were looking for water in the hope of creating rich farmland in this desert area of the state. They came across water, yes, and the well worked for decades. However, the drill that was driven down a shaft hit a geothermal pocket of water and the result was a geyser.

3. Valley of the Moon (Argentina)

Ischigualasto, meaning “the place where you put the moon” is a remote valley in Argentina. It is studded with geological formations left by wind erosion, amazing standing stones and boulders that are so rounded they look like enormous marbles. The valley's once-fertile ground is now arid and contains so many plant and animal fossils that paleontologists come from all over the world to study them.

Erosion over the millennia unearths the fossils as well as other geological formations such as a host of almost spherical concretions. The wind, inexorable and patient, has pounded the local bedrock for an age. Revealed, the boulders that mudstone – in its original wet form, helped to form look as if giants have been playing marbles.

4. Enchanted Well - Chapada Diamantina National Park (Brazil)

Poço Encantado, or Enchanted Well, is located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia state, approximately 400 kilometres inland from Salvador, the capital city of Bahia. This giant sunken pool is 120 feet deep and the water is so transparent the rocks and ancient tree trunks are visible on the bottom. When the sun is just right, light comes through a crevice and creates a blue reflection on the water. Access to this pond is highly controlled for environmental protection of its rare and delicate ecosystem.

5. Wulingyan, Hunan (China)

The Hunan region is full of dramatic landscapes and the magnificent Wulingyan is one of their biggest attractions. This geological wonder is made up of over 3000 limestone karsts. There are scenic waterfalls and some of Asia's biggest limestone caves.

6. Ice Towers of Mount Erebus (Antarctica)

Gunung Erebus adalah gunung berapi aktif terbesar di dunia. Ia mempunyai vulkanik panas yang dipenuhi dengan ais dingin telah menghasilkan sistem yang rumit dari gua ais di atas puncak Erebus. Ratusan menara ais juga dapat ditemui di Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus dan Neptunus.

7. Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks (New Mexico)

New Mexico's Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument, where erosion chisels rock formations formed by explosive volcanic eruptions between six and seven million years ago. While the formations are uniform in shape, they vary in height from a few feet to 90 feet throughout the 4,000 acre monument.

8. Comodo National Park (Indonesia)

Pulau Komodo terletak di sebuah selat antara Pulau Flores di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)dan Sumbawa di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Di Pulau Komodo terdapat biawak terbesar di dunia, iaitu biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis).

Komodo dipercayai keturunan binatang purba Dinosaurus yang masih hidup. Panjang komodo dapat mencapai 3 meter dengan berat boleh mencapai 140 kg.

Kawasan perairan di pulau Komodo juga terdapat perairan yang termasuk dalam keajaiban dunia bawah air. Dasar laut perairan Komodo adalah yang terbaik di dunia, di permukaan laut munculnya daratan-daratan kering yang berbukit karang.

9. The Stone Forest (China)

The Shilin (Chinese for stone forest) is an impressive example of karst topography. Its rocks are made of limestone and are formed by water percolating the ground's surface and eroding away everything but the pillars. It's known since the Ming Dynasty as the 'First Wonder of the World.'

10. Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

The Salar is one of the iconic images of Bolivia, a massive salt desert in the middle of the Altiplano. It is an expansive, virtually flat desert that reflects the sun in such a way as to create a mirror effect with the sky. There are several lakes in the desert with strange colours from the mineral deposits in the region.

Some 40,000 years ago, the area was part of Lake Minchin, a giant prehistoric lake. When the lake dried, it left behind two modern lakes, Poopó Lake and Uru Uru Lake, and two major salt deserts, Salar de Coipasa and the larger Uyuni. Uyuni is roughly 25 times the size of the Bonneville Salt Flats in the United States. It is estimated to contain 10 billion tons of salt, from which less than 25,000 tons is extracted annually


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